How you can help

Australia: Apheda - Union Aid Abroad

Canada: Major Canadian aid agencies that are accepting donations From the Asian Canadian Labour Alliance

France: CGT - Appel solidarité Océan Indien

Norway: Norsk Folkehjelp

Switzerland: OSEO / SAH

United Kingdom: TUC Aid Tsunami Appeal

USA: AFL-CIO Solidarity Center Tsunami Relief Fund

Global - Teachers unions: Education International Tsunami Relief Program

Comprehensive list of all the places you can donate: Wikipedia: Donations for victims of the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake

Tsunami 2004: The global trade union response

URGENT APPEAL: The Indonesian forestry workers union has put out an urgent appeal for funds for Aceh and North Sumatra. Money donated will go directly to the union in one of the worst-affected areas. Please click here to learn more and to donate securely online. Thank you!

Welcome to LabourStart's special coverage of the disastrous earthquake/tsunami of 2004. If this is your first visit to LabourStart, we strongly recommend that you visit our home page to see what this campaigning website has to offer. To stay in touch with us and become involved in the struggle for workers' rights around the world, please make sure to join our mailing list. Thank you.
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